Year: 2012

AWS Dashbaord With Python, Boto and Flask

So I actually started working on a small little dashboard for AWS for another project I am working on in the office; however I decided to fork it and make this into a dashboard which could be used by many other people to get a single view of their AWS environment. Besides that I also

Website Scraping With Python and Beautiful Soup

So a buddy of mine asked me to help him write a shell script which can scrape content from a website and put it into a mongodb database. I didn’t really feel like writing a shell script to do that since I figured it would be a huge pain in the a**. So I decided

Checking The Status Of Your ELB With Zabbix

In my current environment (not for this blog lol) I leverage multiple ELBs to provide multi availability zone HA. We also use Zabbix to monitor our EC2 environment (in a previous post I extended the Mikoomi EC2 Zabbix plugin) so I figured I would create a way to have Zabbix alert on outages with backend

Puppet 3.0 Upgrade Experience

So on Monday in the middle of the day all of my systems upgraded to 3.0. Before I go to far into this blog I want to explain that this was my fault. The puppet module that controls the version of puppet which is installed on each of my clients is set to “ensure =>

Puppet ENC With MongoDB Backend

So I decided to release this bit of code I wrote which allows you to leverage mongodb as an ENC for puppet. I am not yet sure if this is a premature move or not but I plan to be using it in production in the next few weeks. I have a list of features